HELP is available on the following : "?" - Summary of SuperBox Commands "A" - Special SuperBox Commands - Delay, Loop, GOTO, CALL "B" - Display, Input, Edit, Append to Button Programs "C" - Clear Commands "D" - View / Set the Current Date "E" - Dump the EEPROM Contents in Intel HEX Format "I" - DownLoad an Intel HEX Format File into the EEPROM "L" - View / Set the Usage Log Label "M" - Display Contents of all Memory (Buttons and Masks) "N" - Set the Maximum Number of Enabled Buttons "P" - Pass Thru Mode (Direct Communication with Player) "S" - TouchScreen Mask Commands "T" - View / Set the Current Time "U" - Display Log of Button Usage "V" - Summary of Variables "Z" - Allocate TouchScreen Mask Memory Size \? Summary of Commands for the SuperBox 4200 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bb Forces button bb to be executed. (bb= 0-2000) B? Display list of unused buttons. Bbb? Display contents of button bbs. Bbb= Clear button bb, and input new program data. Bbb- Edit contents of button bb. Bbb, Append to end of button bb. CBTN Clear contents of all buttons. E Dump EEPROM contents in Intel HEX Format. I Input an Intel HEX File to load EEPROM. M Display contents of all valid buttons. Nn Set maximum button number (n=0,1,2,3,4,5,6). P Enter pass through mode. exits Pass thru mode. ` These commands are available with the Clock/Calendar option only : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSE Clear usage log. D Display DATE and allow it to be changed. L Display LABEL and allow it to be changed. T Display TIME and allow it to be changed. U Output usage log data to computer. Xxx Input auto-execute button xx ( xx = 0-15 ). X? Display active auto executes. ` These commands are available in the Touchscreen versions only : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINIT Re-initializes SuperBox at next power-up. CMSK Clears all mask data. CMD Enter Command Mode. M Display contents of all valid buttons and mask areas. MB Display contents of all valid buttons. MM Display all valid mask sectors. R Exit Command Mode and return to touch screen mode Smm Enables touch screen mask ( mm = 0-99 ). Smm? Display all sectors of Mask mm. SmmC Clear Mask mm. Smm,ssC Clear Sector ss and all Sectors > ss of Mask mm. ` These commands are available in the Touchscreen versions only : ( continued ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smm,ss=ULx,ULy,LRx,LRy,bb Creates a mask sector. Input mask sector data as follows: Smm - Mask number ss - sector number, sector 0 must exist ULx - Upper Left X-coordinate ULy - Upper Left Y-coordinate RLx - Right Lower X-coordinate RLy - Right Lower Y-coordinate bb - Button to be performed when the sector is touched Zbb Sets mask memory area. All buttons from bb to the end of EEPROM are used for mask data. ` Special Functions used in Button Programs : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "string" Surround character strings in print (PR) commands with " ". !ddddd! Delay ddddd tenths of seconds. ddddd = 1 to 65535. :bb1.bb2 Disable buttons from bb1 to bb2. ;bb1.bb2 Enable buttons from bb1 to bb2. #ddddd(commands) Loop ddddd times repeating commands between ( ). Nesting of loops is NOT permitted. &bb Call button bb as a subroutine and then continue. Subroutines are limited to 1 level deep. >bb Branch to button bb. ` Special Functions used in Button Programs : ( continued ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Wait for the player to return a response status. , (comma) Delimiter for variable assignments. Preceding variable not sent to player. ~ob (tilde) Set or Clear User Output Signal. User Output o ( o = 0-3 ), is either set according to bit b ( b = 0-1, were 0 is ground and 1 is +5 volts) Activates mask M -- TouchScreen Versions Only \A DELAY !ddddd! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function !ddddd! causes a delay in tenth of seconds before continuing with command processing. Syntax !ddddd! -ddddd represents tenths of seconds from 0 to 65535. Remarks The DELAY function is used to create delays between commands. The largest value that can be specified is 65535. Each "." sent to the computer during the delay command represents 1 second. Example 100SE ' search for frame 100 [ ' wait for "R" !35!SF ' wait 3.5 secs. then step forward [ ' wait for "R" ` DISABLE BUTTON : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : is used to disable all or some of the pins on the user interface (UI). Thus the associated button programs will not execute. Syntax :bb, disable button bb. :bbi.bbf, bbi is the first button in range bbf is the last button in range to be disabled. Remarks When a button is executed either from the button pad or a touch screen, all buttons are automatically DISABLED. This is done to ensure that a button cannot be pushed while the Superbox is waiting for the Player ready status. This is especially true when using the text overlay capabilities of the LD-V4200. ` ENABLE BUTTON ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ; is used to ENABLE all or some of the button programs. This allows the viewer to interrupt the current video segment by using the user interface. Syntax ;bb, enable button bb - all other remain unchanged ;bbi.bbf, bbi is the first button in range bbf is the last button in range to be enabled. Remarks The ENABLE command is necessary if a user is to be allowed to interrupt a button program which is in progress. It is also useful in generating a sequenced flow of user input. By having one button enable another, the order in which buttons can be pressed is controlled. ` ENABLE / DISABLE BUTTON (Examples) ; / : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples ;, Enables all button programs ;1, Enables button # 1 ;1.4, Enables buttons 1 through 4 ;,:3, Enables all buttons, then disables button # 3 ;1,;10.20 Enables buttons 1,10 to 20 :, Disables all button programs :1, Disables button # 1 :1.5, Disables buttons 1 through 5 :,;4, disables all buttons, then enables Button # 4 BTN 1: ;1,;3.6,100SE ' buttons 1,3,4,5,6 enabled [ 150MF [ BYTES USED : 22 / 255 ` ENABLE / DISABLE BUTTON (Examples) ; / : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTN 2: ;1.2,200SE ' buttons 1,2 enabled [ 250MF [ BYTES USED : 19 / 255 BTN 3: ;,:1.3,300SE ' buttons 1,2,3 disabled [ ' all others enabled 350MF [ BYTES USED : 21 / 255 ` ENABLE / DISABLE BUTTON (Examples) ; / : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTN 4: :,;5.31,400SE ' buttons 5 thru 31 enabled [ ' all others disabled 450MF [ BYTES USED : 22 / 255 BTN 5: ;5.6,500SE ' buttons 5,6 enabled [ 550MF [ ` LOOP #ddddd(string) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function #ddddd(string) will execute the string the number times specified by the Argument. Syntax #ddddd(string) - ddddd represents number of times to loop. - string can be any player command or SuperBox function. Remarks The LOOP function cannot be nested. A variable cannot determine the number of time to loop. Example ' this example shows how step through 10 frames with ' a 5.0 second pause on each one #10(!50!SF ' wait 5.0 sec. and step fwd. [ ' wait for "R" ) ' repeat 10 times ` SUBROUTINE &bb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function &bb will execute the string stored in the button specified by the Argument and then return to the next command or function. Syntax &bb bb represents the BUTTON to be executed. Remarks The SUBROUTINE function is to be used for repetitive commands. It cannot be nested. ` SUBROUTINE &bb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' this example shows how step through 10 frames with ' a 5.0 second pause on each one. Using Button 1 as ' the button to be pressed and Button 30 as the ' subroutine. B1= ' to program button 1 - 100SE ' search frame 100 - [ ' wait for "R" - &30 ' do button 30 - 123SE ' search frame 123 - [ ' wait for "R" - ' end program for button 1 B30= ' to program button 30 - !50!SF ' wait 5.0 sec. then step fwd. - [ ' wait for "R" - ' end program for button 30 ` GOTO >bb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function >bb will branch to string stored in the button specified by the Argument and continue executing. Syntax >bb - bb represents the BUTTON to be executed. Remarks The GOTO function is to be used to branch to the specified button. The only logical spot to use this function is at THE END of a button program. ` GOTO >bb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example shows how to step back and forth between ' two frames using STEP FORWARD and STEP REVERSE with ' 1/2 second delays between each. B28= ' to program button 28 - !5!SF ' wait .5 sec., step fwd - [ ' wait for "R" - >29 ' goto button 29 - ' end program for button 1 B29= ' to program button 29 - !5!SR ' wait .5 sec.and step Rev. - [ ' wait for "R" - >28 ' goto button 28 - ' end program for button 30 ` WAIT FOR RESPONSE [ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function [ waits for the player to return an "R" or some other return code such as error codes. Purpose The reason for this function is that the LD-V4200 player will perform commands as they are sent, thus in order to properly sequence commands, the SuperBox must Wait for the player response before sending the next command in the string. Example FR1000SE ' Search for frame 1000 [ ' wait until search is complete 2000PL ' continue here after response is rcvd ` USER OUTPUT CONTROL ~ob ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ~ob is used to control or synchronize external devices, such as video tape recorders, video switches, or anything else that can use a TTL logic level to synchronize or switch. Syntax ~ob , o is the output pin 0, 1, 2, 3 b is the logic level "0" (GND) or "1" (+5V) Remarks When the SuperBox is powered up pins 9, 10, 28, 33 on the User Interface (UI) are TTL logic level high (+5V). User Output 0 : o=0 refers to the UI pin 9 User Output 1 : o=1 refers to the UI pin 10 User Output 2 : o=2 refers to the UI pin 28 User Output 3 : o=3 refers to the UI pin 33 ` USER OUTPUT CONTROL ~ob ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example BTN 1: 100SE ' SEARCH FOR 100 [ ~30,200PL ' pin 33 on UI set Low - ground [ ~31,>2 ' pin 33 on UI set High - 5 volts ` ENABLE MASK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function sets the touch screen mask to be used Syntax mm is the mask that is now enabled Remarks This function is used within a button string to select a new mask. All subsequent touches (if enabled), will be executed according to this new mask #. \B EXECUTE BUTTON bb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Forces the button bb to be executed. Remarks Allows programmer to verify a button program from the computer without having to start it from the User Interface. ` DISPLAY UNUSED BUTTONS B? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Displays all available buttons Example B? 16 BUTTONS ENABLED ( 0 - 15 ) 512 BYTES / BUTTON TABLE OF UNUSED BUTTONS : 5 6 7 11 13 14 15 ` VIEW BUTTON Bbb? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Bbb? asks the SB to send the program stored in specified button number (bb), back to the host computer. Syntax B(integer)? sent to SB Remarks The BUTTON VIEW command shows user what is stored in a specified button number. The button number (bb) can be any integer value between 0 and N-1, where N is the MAXIMUM BUTTON NUMBER enabled. BYTES USED : can be greater than bytes available, if so, the button program writes into the next button and the next button is "IN USE BY A PREVIOUS BUTTON". ` VIEW BUTTON ( continued ) Bbb? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how to VIEW a valid button B2? ' to view button 2 BTN 2: ' Button 2 program data 100SE ' . [ ' . 200PL ' . [ ' end of Button 2 data BYTES USED : 16 / 255 ' # of Bytes Used by Button 2 Program B3? ' to view button 3 BTN 3 IS NOT USED ' button 3 is not programmed ` BUTTON INPUT Bbb= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Bbb= clears button bb, puts the SuperBox into Program mode, and makes it ready to accept commands in the specified button program. Syntax B(integer)= sent to SB - returned to host Remarks This command erases what was previously written in the specified button location. Sending B1= and then would clear button # 1. If the length of program stored in a button is longer than memory alotted for each button, the program simply runs over into the memory alotted for the next button and disables that next button. If button 0's program overruns into button # 1, B1= will recreate button 1, thus killing button 0. ` BUTTON INPUT ( continued ) Bbb= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how to program a valid ' button - (in this case button 2) ' Once this is complete each time Button 2 is pushed ' these codes will be sent to the player Note : the "-" is the Program Mode prompt B2= ' erase and program button 2 - 100SE ' enter "search for frame100" - [ ' wait for "R" - 200PL ' enter "play to frame 200" - [ ' wait for "R" - ' send to end button ' program ` BUTTON EDIT Bbb- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Bbb- allows button characters to be changed. Syntax B(integer)- sent to SB Remarks The BUTTON EDIT command first displays the entire program stored in the specified button and then displays the first character and prompts for change. Only one character may be entered per line. The entered character will replace the current character in the program memory. If no change is desired, will move to the next character making no changes. Send an to exit the edit mode or continue sending until the end of the program is reached. C replaces the current character with a . X truncates the program at the current character. ` BUTTON EDIT ( continued ) Bbb- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' this example demonstrates how to CHANGE the search ' frame in button 2 to 123 from 100 B2? ' to view button 2 BTN 2: 100SE [ 200PL [ 1 - ' leave first chr. alone 0 - 2 ' change 0 to 2 0 - 3 ' change 0 to 3 S - ' send 13 times E - ' or to end edit ` BUTTON APPEND Bbb, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Bbb, allows the user to add commands to the end of the specified button. Syntax B(integer), sent to SB Remarks The BUTTON APPEND command first displays the entire program stored in the specified button. Then moves to the end of the button program and gives the program prompt, thus putting the SB back into Program mode. The button number (bb) can be an integer value between 0 and (Max Button # - 1). The Maximum number allowed is set by the MAXIMUM BUTTON command (Nbb). ` BUTTON APPEND ( continued ) Bbb, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how to ADD the goto ' button 0 after completing button 2 B2, ' to view button 2 BTN 2: 123SE [ 200PL [ - >0 ' go to button 0 - ' end the APPEND \V Variable Operations used in Button Programs : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vn,V0,V1,V2 are variable numbers between 0 and 9. Valid variable values 0 < xxxxx < 99999. Assignment of Values to Variables : $Vn=xxxxx Assigns xxxxx to variable Vn. $V0=$V1 Assigns value of $V1 to $V0. $V0=$V1+xxxxx Assign xxxxx plus $V1 to $V0. $V0=$V1-xxxxx Assign difference of xxxxx and $V1 to $V0. $V0=$V1+$V2 Assign sum of $V1 and $V2 to $V0. $V0=$V1-$V2 Assign difference of $V2 and $V1 to $V0. $Vn=+ Assign current frame number to $Vn. $Vn=+xxxxx Assign current frame number plus xxxxx to $Vn. $Vn=-xxxxx Assign current frame number minus xxxxx to $Vn. $V0=+$V1 Assign current frame number plus $V1 to $V0. $V0=-$V1 Assign current frame number minus $V1 to $V0. ` Variable Operations used in Button Programs : ( continued ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vn,V0,V1,V2 are variable numbers between 0 and 9. Valid variable values 0 < xxxxx < 99999. Transmission of Variable Values to Player : $Vn Send value of the variable to player. $V0+$V1 $V0 and $V1 are added and result is sent to player. $V0-$V1 $V1 is subtracted from $V0 and result is sent to player. $Vn+xxxxx Add xxxxx to the value of $Vn and send result to player. $Vn-xxxxx Subtract xxxxx from $Vn and send result to player. +xxxxx Add xxxxx to the current frame number. -xxxxx Subtract xxxxx from the current frame number. +$Vn Add frame number to the value of $Vn and send result. -$Vn Subtract value of $Vn from frame number and send result. ` RECALL $n ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function $n allows the value of the variable to be used as the address or argument used by any of the player commands or by the SB42 GOTO function. Example ' this example shows how a variable can be used to ' search to a frame number B0= - $1=10 ' assigns 10 to variable 1 - $1SE ' searches to frame 10 - [ ' wait for "R" - $1=$1+1,4PR - [ - VARIABLE 1 = $1 ' will print Variable 1 = 11 - [ ' on line 4 - >$1 ' goto button 11 ` STORE $Vn= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function $Vn= is used to set the value of the variable specified by the argument. Remarks The STORE functions may be placed anywhere on the program string. They must be ended with a comma. For readability they can be separated by commas but this uses up memory unneccessarily. Example $1=10$2=11$3=12, ' stores 10 in variable 1 ' 11 2 ' 12 3 ` ADD and SUBTRACT + and - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function The Plus and Minus signs have different functions depending on what follows the symbol. 1. If +/- precedes a number and a player command, the current frame number is read, the value of the number is added or subtracted, and the result is sent to the player followed by the player command. 2. +/- is also used to add or subtract a value to/from a variable. These values can be constant values, variable values, or the current frame number. ` ADD and SUBTRACT + and - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax 1. +10SE searches current frame plus 10 2. +C$6SE adds value of variable 6 to present chapter number. If the chapter number is valid, the player searches for it. 3. $7=$6+$1 adds values of variables 1 and 6 and stores the result in variable 7. 4. $1=$0-100 subtracts 100 from the value of variable 0 and stores the result in variable 1. Remarks The +/- can be located anywhere in the program string. They cannot be used in pass-thru mode ` FRAME, CHAPTER or TIME GRAB +x and -x ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function The +/- can also be used to get the value of the current frame number, chapter number or time code number. This number may be incremented decremented, or variables added/subtracted from it. Syntax +, +F, +C, +T and -, -F, -C, -T Remarks If F,C,T are omitted the default is F, thus a frame grab will occur. Examples +50SE ' searches current frame plus 50 +T$4SM ' places a stop marker at the current ' time code plus the value in variable 4 -C3SE ' searches to current chapter minus 3 \E EEPROM DUMP E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function E dumps the memory of the EEPROM to the host computer. This can be captured to a file and then sent, using Input EEPROM, to another SuperBox. Syntax E sent to SB TURN CAPTURE ON NOW - PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN EEPROM DUMP returned to host Remarks The dump function allows a direct EEPROM memory dump. However, the program is almost impossible to edit in the HEX format, therefore the DUMP is most useful for saving a working program on disk. ` EEPROM DUMP ( continued ) E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks The EEPROM Dump command sends INTEL format HEX codes. Should the communication program miss a character the SuperBox verifies the Checksum and will not allow the program to be loaded back into the box. The Intel HEX format uses the first 9 characters to represent the memory address, the next 64 characters are HEX data, and the last two characters are the checksum. ` EEPROM DUMP ( continued ) E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how to Dump a HEX File E TURN CAPTURE ON NOW - PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN EEPROM DUMP :200000003E330DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7E :20002000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF :20004000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3C323E43533144533150520D5B204407 . . :201FE000040000025869007F00030000014858007F00020000003348007F0001811C990242 :00000001FF Ok \I INPUT EEPROM CONTENTS I ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function I allows a previously dumped program to be loaded into the SuperBox from a computer. Syntax I sent to SB BEGIN SENDING EEPROM (INTEL HEX FORMAT) FILE NOW returned Remarks Cancel the EEPROM Load by sending in response to the "BEGIN SENDING" Prompt. ` INPUT EEPROM CONTENTS ( continued ) I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' Demonstrates how to send a ????????.SBE file I BEGIN SENDING EEPROM (INTEL HEX FORMAT) FILE NOW :200000003E330DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7E :20002000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF :20004000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3C323E43533144533150520D5B204407 . . :201FC0009BAB007F00070000058A9B007F00060000047B8A007F0005000003697B007F0092 :201FE000040000025869007F00030000014858007F00020000003348007F0001811C990242 :00000001FF \M VIEW ALL BUTTONS M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ Function M displays programs in all enabled and valid buttons. Syntax M sent to SB Remarks The VIEW ALL command will display the contents of all buttons which are enabled and contain valid command data. These contents can be captured to a file, edited using a word processor, and then downloaded using this program. In touch screen versions, all mask sectors are displayed following the button contents. ` VIEW ALL BUTTONS ( continued ) M ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how VIEW ALL BUTTONS works M ' to view all BTN 0: CS120SP100SE [ >90 BTN 1: $1=1$2=1CS200SE [ !400!>0 BTN 10: $0=123>1 ` VIEW ALL MASKS TS Option MM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function MM shows all enabled touch screen MASK sectors Syntax MM sent to SB Remarks View all Masks will show the sectors data stored for each mask. UL is the Upper Left corner and LR is the Lower Right corner. "BTN =" shows which button is to be performed when the sector of the enabled mask is touched. Sector 0 has priority over sector 1 and sector 1 has priority over sector 2, etc. should the sectors overlap. ` VIEW ALL MASKS TS Option MM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example MM MASK 0: SECTOR 0 : UL=(0,51) ; LR=(127,72) ; BTN = 1 SECTOR 1 : UL=(0,72) ; LR=(127,88) ; BTN = 2 SECTOR 2 : UL=(0,88) ; LR=(127,105) ; BTN = 3 SECTOR 3 : UL=(0,105) ; LR=(127,123) ; BTN = 4 SECTOR 4 : UL=(0,123) ; LR=(127,138) ; BTN = 5 SECTOR 5 : UL=(0,138) ; LR=(127,155) ; BTN = 6 SECTOR 6 : UL=(0,155) ; LR=(127,171) ; BTN = 7 SECTOR 7 : UL=(0,171) ; LR=(127,184) ; BTN = 8 SECTOR 8 : UL=(0,0) ; LR=(255,255) ; BTN = 9 99 TOTAL MASK SECTORS ENABLED 35 MASK SECTORS FREE \N MAX. NUMBER OF BUTTONS N(argument) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function N creates a specified number of buttons and allocates amount of memory available in each button. Syntax N(integer) sent to SB Remarks The MAXIMUM NUMBER OF VALID BUTTONS Sets the maximum number of buttons allowed and the number of bytes of memory allowed per button. Allowable values for (argument) are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. If the argument given is invalid or missing, the current MAX. NUMBER is displayed. The MAXIMUM NUMBER OF VALID BUTTONS to be set must be done before programming begins. This function determines how much memory is allocated to each of the buttons. ` MAX. NUMBER OF BUTTONS ( continued ) N(argument) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Memory = EEPROM Size / Maximum # of Buttons Maximum Number of bytes per button Argument # buttons 2K option 8K option 16K option 0 16 (minimum) 128 511 1022 1 32 64 255 511 2 100 15 80 255 3 250 -- 31 80 4 500 -- 15 31 5 1000 -- -- 15 6 2000 -- -- -- ` MAX. NUMBER OF BUTTONS ( continued ) N(argument) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' Maximum is set to default of 16 buttons ' but gets changed here to 32 N1 ' set to 32 valid buttons 32 BUTTONS ENABLED ( 0 - 31 ) 255 BYTES / BUTTON ' with 8k option \P PASS THRU Mode P ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Enter mode where computer is in direct communication with the videodisc player. Remarks PASS THRU Mode is helpful for finding significant Frame #'s and testing Player command strings prior to programming them into SuperBox button programs. Only Player commands are valid in this mode, none of the SuperBox Commands are usable. will exit back to SuperBox Command Mode. Example P ' Enter PASS THRU Mode FR1000SE ' search to frame 1000 (LD-V4200) R ' Completion response from player ' Exit PASS THRU Mode Ok ' Back in Command Mode \C CLEAR ALL BUTTONS CBTN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function To clear all Button Programs Syntax CBTN sent to SB Ok returned to host Remarks This command sets the Button Used Flag to "FF" for for all enabled buttons. Buttons are now "UNUSED" and ready to be reprogrammed. Useful to initialize buttons after the # of enabled buttons is changed and prior to programming. Example CBTN ' clear all buttons Ok ' clear complete ` CLEAR EEPROM CALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function To clear all memory locations in EEPROM Syntax CALL sent to SB Ok returned to host Remarks This command erases the EEPROM by writing "FF" to all memory locations. This is a more thorough erasure than with CBTN, but is not really any more useful since all bytes which fall outside used buttons are ignored. This Operation takes several seconds. Example CALL ' clear EEPROM Ok ' clear complete ` CLEAR ALL MASKS TS Option CMSK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function To clear all Touch Screen mask sectors Syntax CMSK sent to SB Ok returned to host Remarks This command clears all touch screen sectors within the enabled mask area. Example CMSK ' clear Touchscreen Mask sectors Ok ' clear complete ` CLEAR USAGE LOG Clock option CUSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function C clears the usage log Syntax CUSE sent to SB Ok returned to host Remarks The CLEAR USAGE LOG command allows user to reset the log when needed. The usage log records the button presses for the last 150 days. Example ' This example demonstrates how to CLEAR the usage log CUSE ' clear Usage Log Ok ' clear complete \D DATE Clock Option D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function D displays date and prompts for change Syntax D sent to SB Remarks The DATE function is only valid if Clock option is installed. The correct format is : mm/dd/yy. Invalid formats are ignored and the Date is not changed. Example ' This example demonstrates how to set the DATE D ' to set date CURRENT DATE : 01/01/87 ' to keep this date ENTER NEW DATE (MM/DD/YY) : 04/04/87 ' or sets new date CURRENT DATE : 04/04/87 ' shows new Date CURRENT TIME : 17:40 ' shows time \L USAGE LOG LABEL Clock Option L ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function L To view and change the usage log label Syntax L sent to SB LABEL : SUPERBOX V1.08 returned to host ENTER NEW LABEL : Remarks The USAGE LOG LABEL is only valid if Clock option is installed. The LABEL can be any combination of up to 25 Alpha-numeric characters. The LABEL will appear whenever the usage log is viewed. When prompted for a new LABEL, sending just a will keep the current LABEL unchanged. ` USAGE LOG LABEL Clock Option L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples L LABEL : SUPERBOX V1.08 ENTER NEW LABEL : ' Leave LABEL Unchanged ' This example demonstrates how to set the USAGE LOG LABEL L LABEL : SUPERBOX V1.08 ' Current LABEL displayed ENTER NEW LABEL : KIOSK #3 in LA ' Set LABEL to read LABEL : KIOSK #3 in LA ' "KIOSK #3 IN LA" ' to clear the title L LABEL : SUPERBOX V1.08 ' Current LABEL displayed ENTER NEW LABEL : space ' one SPACE Character LABEL : ' New LABEL is " " \T TIME Clock Option T ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function T displays TIME and prompts for change Syntax T sent to SB Remarks The TIME function only works if Clock/Calendar option is installed. The format is HH:MM, in 24 Hour format. Invalid formats are ignored and Time is not changed. Example ' This example demonstrates how to set the time T ' to set TIME CURRENT TIME : 17:40 ' hit if OK ENTER NEW TIME (HH:MM) : 12:00 ' sets time to 12:00 CURRENT DATE : 04/04/87 CURRENT TIME : 12:00 \U VIEW USAGE LOG Clock Option U ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function U give usage summary for enabled buttons. Available with clock option only. Syntax U sent to SB Remarks The VIEW USAGE LOG command displays a tally of the number of times each button was pressed since the log was last cleared. The number of button presses during the morning (00:00 - 11:59), afternoon (12:00 - 16:59), and evening (17:00 - 23:59) of each day in which a button was pressed are also tallied. ` VIEW USAGE LOG Clock Option U ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' this example demonstrates how to view the log U ' to view usage log USAGE SUMMARY FOR : KIOSK # 3 IN LA BTN 0: 0004 ' button 0 pushed 4 times BTN 1: 0154 ' button 1 - 154 times BTN 2: 0000 ' etc..... . . BTN #: 0014 ' here "#" is the last ' button enabled using ' N 04/04/87 0338 0000 0000 ' 338 pushed in morning . ' 0 pushed in afternoon . ' 0 pushed in evening 06/15/87 0123 0320 0015 ' Last Date Used Prior to Viewing \X SET AUTO-EXECUTE Clock Option Xxx ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Xbb allows a button to be set to begin execution at a specified time. (bb = 0 - 15) Syntax X(integer) sent to SB Remarks The SET AUTO-EXEC. Command is used to cause a button program to start up and play at a specified time of day without requiring user input. When the AUTO-EXECUTE time occurs, the SuperBox will wait until any currently executing button is finished and will then execute the button, specified in the AUTO-EXECUTE function. There are of 16 AUTO-EXECUTE functions. ` SET AUTO-EXECUTE Clock Option Xxx ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example demonstrates how to SET Auto-execute X15 ' SET AUTO EXEC # 15 AUTO #15 TIME : 12:40 ' INTERRUPT AT 12:40 BTN : 2 ' AND EXECUTE BUTTON # 2 'This example demonstrates how to CLEAR an Auto-execute X15 ' SET AUTO EXEC # 15 AUTO #15 TIME : ' Just a will Clear the ' specified auto-execute. ` VIEW AUTO-EXECUTE Clock Option X? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function X? causes the SB to display the Auto-execute functions which are currently enabled. Syntax X? sent to SB Remarks The VIEW AUTO-EXEC command shows the user what is stored in all (16 maximum) autoexecute functions which are active. Example ' This example demonstrates how to VIEW Auto-execute X? AUTO # 0 TIME : 16:15 BTN : 1 ' AUTO #1 IS ENABLED AUTO # 15 TIME : 12:40 BTN : 2 ' AUTO #15 IS ENABLED X? NO AUTO-EXECUTE CMDS ENABLED ' IF NONE ARE ENABLED \S CREATE MASK TS option Smm= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Smm= is used to create touch screen areas of touch and assign branch to locations when a valid area is touched. Syntax Smm,ss=x1,y1,x2,y2,b mm- integer that represents the mask number ss- integer that represents the sector number x1- integer coordinate for the top left corner y1- integer coordinate for the top left corner x2- integer coordinate for the bottom right corner y2- integer coordinate for the bottom right corner bb- integer that gives the button to branch to The range for x1,x2 and y1,y2 is 0-255 UPPER LEFT Corner of Screen (x=0, y=0) LOWER RIGHT Corner of Screen (x=255, y=255) ` CREATE MASK TS option Smm= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks Mask memory is determined by using Zbb. If more mask memory is needed (MASK MEMORY FULL), then another button must be used. Sector areas with the lowest sector number have precedence over the higher numbers. When a press is detected, Sector 0 of the selected mask is tested, if the touch is outside sector 0, sector 1 is tested and so on until a match is found. The last sector of each mask should include the entire screen (0,0),(255,255) and go to a valid button. This will ensure accidental touches during a segment have a branch to location. A button which displays an error message is appropriate. ` CREATE MASK TS option Smm= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ' This example shows how to set Mask 1, Sector 0 to ' be the whole screen. When the screen is touched ' button 1 is executed S1,0=0,0,255,255,1 \Z VIEW MASK MEMORY TS Option Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Z Shows the mask memory allocation and availability. Example: Z 99 TOTAL MASK SECTORS ENABLED 35 MASK SECTORS FREE ` SET MASK MEMORY TS Option Zbb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Zbb sets the amount of memory allocated for touch screen mask sectors. All memory from button bb to the end of the EEPROM is enabled for use in storing touch screen sectors. Remarks When the Maximum number of buttons is changed make sure the Mask Memory is not affected. Example Z20 120 TOTAL MASK SECTORS ENABLED 95 MASK SECTORS FREE